The poem 'Untitled' by OAP Tosyn Bucknor who passed away on Monday has surfaced online.
I look into the future and see me cease
I feel no fear, my face won't even cease
My steps on this earth, a testament to life
Leaving this place filled with strife
Don't cry for me, shed tears for yourself
For each date you acquire gives you a little less.
Now I know why I live the way I do
Any why my mistakes, no second look
If i live my life according to their pace
What's my price in life's meaningless race?
Too much odds stacked against this fierce soul
So each hour, all I do is attain my goals
Spent alot of days searching for purpose
Then I put my thoughts into poetry and prose
This is why I was put in this world
Be a voice, Put emotions in words
For every tear I shed and times my eye smiled,
Someone will have known every option I tried.
This cowardly heart felt fear not death
Prize I've earned since my birth
My vow to leave a lasting voice after I was
Find a loyal number to keep fighting my cause
Here lies she who lived short but well
No regrets for her, but all her story tell